Lucifers page

My name is Lucifer, but the papers says Lucifer de Alpha Lade. I am a tough little boy that recently traveled the long way from northern Sweden home to Laxå. The long trip didn´t bother me, so I marched into my new home with the tail in top.    


                        Yes I'm cute...                                                        but I'm also a little bit dangerous....


As you can see I'm an all black, curly boy. My father comes from Switzerland and my mom from Finland. I also have relatives from many other countries, for exampel the Netherlands, USA and Portugal - isn´t that cool... ? My human mom says that I look great but the most important thing is thas I'm "right in my head". Of course I am, I have already shown that to her many times.   


                            Hunting leaves is fun...                             but no way I will walk when leashed...


As I'm not so old yet I don't have so much to tell - yet.... But I plan to became an obedience and tracking dog so just wait....

Here you can look at more pictures of me..

Facts about me:

Lucifer de Alpha Lade

DOB 2007-08-17



PRA: Optigen carrier



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