The dogs |
PWDs are habitforming, many PWD owners can sign on that. "Olle" was my first
PWD, he moved in when he was four months, in November 1998. At that time I
had just moved from a lovely small house, and also had to put my Pyrenean
Mountain Dog "Frasse"
to sleep so Olle arrived like an angel. Unfortunately Olle died in an
accident in April 2006 and I still shed a tear when thinking of him. With Olle, a lifelong love for this wonderful breed was awoken and one PWD has become five.... You can meet the dogs in Team Paparazzi under the links here at the site. Sadly I also have three angels at the Rainbow Bridge, meet them here. You can also take a look at the puppies born at Team Paparazzi under the link "Litters". |
Norduch Intuch Nlch Druvgårdens Akilles My Little Lord
Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Nordic, Netherlands, International Ch Druvgårdens Akilles My Little Lord Swedish Ch Druvgårdens Apollon Real Special